Have You Been Invited to Certify a Project?

Connect to your client's PayLab project to simplify the certification process.


This guide will show you how to become a certifier for a client's claim.

When to use it

Simplify the claiming/certification process by linking to your client's project and certify the claim directly within PayLab. No need for any more emails and finding them in your Junk folder!

How to use it

Follow this article if you have received an invitation to link to one of their projects as a certifier. If you are a claimer wanting to know how to link a certifier to your project please read this article.

Becoming a Certifier for a Project 

  1. You would have received an email inviting you to a PayLab Project. Click 'Open Project'211208-PayLab-Invite-certifier-email
  2. This will take you to the PayLab page where you can login in or create an account if you don't already have one.

    PayLab Sign-up-Get Started
  3. Once you have logged in you will be prompt you to link to a project. Once you review the project click accept at the bottom of the page.


Now that you have linked your project, you can certify them within PayLab. For more on how to do this, read this article.