Vault Releases 2024

Release 2024.6.0 (13.06.24)

  • Improvement: when searching and selecting users to add to a list, the suggested results are now much smarter.

Build number: 2024.6.0-1.96-1.165-1.10

Release 2024.5.1 (28.05.24)

  • Resolve an issue where the list could not be scrolled when selecting users to be notified of IoTHub events.
  • Fixed an problem related to some assets would not appear.
Build number: 2024.5.1-1.15-1.164-1.10

Release 24.08 (15.05.24)

  • Users who encountered internet connectivity issues previously received an unfriendly error message while using Vault. We have now upgraded it to a more informative error screen to provide better guidance.
  • Resolved: Some users discovered an issue where the link icon would sometimes not appear when publishing a link to a file in File Manager.

Build number: 24.08-1.94-1.163-1.9

Release 24.06 (10.04.24)

  • Improvement: when using very large plan images in Plan Viewer, it is now possible to zoom in much further. This allows for much more detail, and higher density of markers than before.

Build Number: 24.06-1.93-1.162-1.9

Release 24.05 (03.04.24)

  • New: it is now possible to add markup notes to defect photos in Status Tracker. Text and attachments can be added.
  • Resolved: admin users were unable to dismiss dismissable announcement banners.
  • Improved: when editing user details, the save button now says "Save Changes", rather than "Add User".
  • Resolved: When editing the settings for a model viewer or model dashboard app, the model file box sometime would sometimes be blank.
  • Resolved: An occasional error occurred after deleting a user.
  • Resolved: An occasional error occurred when deleting an asset. Also, sometimes deleted assets would still appear on the Dashboard map.
  • Improved: when the announcement banner was turned on, some screen layouts were affected, causing some items to be pushed off the bottom of the screen.

Build Number: 24.05-1.93-1.161-1.8

Release 24.04 (18.03.24)

  • Published links in File Manager can now have an expiry date set so that the link automatically become unavailable after the set date.
  • We improved the error messages when attempting to access Vault content that you don't have permission to access. They are now more informative.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes navigating back to the Vault dashboard caused some unexpected side affects with the tab name and some related navigation.

Build Number: 24.04-1.89-1.156-1.8

Release 24.03 (05.03.24)

  • Users can now input the location of an asset by utilizing coordinates during the editing process.
  • Users now have the ability to remove top-level navigation categories.
  • Resolved: Occasionally, the name field would appear blank when making changes to user details.
  • Resolved: There was a bug where files starting with the letter 'A' were being cut off during the upload process.
  • Resolved: An occasional issue with the Status Tracker date prediction that resulted in an on-screen error has been fixed.
  • Resolved: An issue with a visual anomaly was fixed when editing navigation categories.

Build Number: 24.03-1.88-1.150-1.8

Release 24.02 (13.02.24)

  • Large file uploads are now broken down into multiple parts, so multiple GB files can be uploaded reliably.
  • There is now a convenient button for copying the share link to files
  • You can now use all the same special characters in file names and folder names as you can on your computer. Anything except " * / : < > ? \ |
  • Fixed: there was an issue affecting the ordering of applications in the left-hand menu.
  • Fixed: there was an issue where some links to published files didn't appear on the page.
  • Fixed: sometimes when editing the details of an asset, the address appeared to be empty even though there was one set.

Build Number: 24.02-1.85-1.147-1.7

Release 24.01 (24.01.24)

  • Announcement Banner — Vault admins can now configure a banner that appears at the top of the screen for users on Vault. You can customise the text, colour, timeframe and which users can see the banner. It can also be configured to be permanently displayed, or dismissable.
  • When configuring a Plan Viewer or Status Tracker you can now choose to upload a file, select one from File Manager, or use a SaaS URL (from Storage Explorer). Also, When creating a new Status Tracker, you can also select to use any Plan Viewer.
  • If you change or update the background image used in Status Tracker and Plan Viewer that use PIXEL coordinate system, you have the choice to leave any markers at their original pixel coordinates, or rescale them to the size of the new image.
  • Improvement: When downloading photos from Status Tracker, files are now named according to this scheme: [step name] - [original file name] . [original suffix]
  • Fixed: Squashed a nasty message that some users experienced if they were using old hardware and/or older browser versions.
  • Fixed:H&S Application not showing plan Viewer base layer.
  • Fixed: Status Tracker is allowed to be created with empty checklist items
  • Fixed: Viewing a PDF on a file manager app and then changing to another file manager app in that asset caused error.
  • Fixed: In some special circumstances, zooming in on a plan or a PDF would cause an error.
  • Fixed: Users who don't have access to an asset got an error screen. Now they see an unauthorised message.
  • Fixed: Removing a user from a project might occasionally cause an error.
  • Fixed: The File Manager [Create Folder] button didn't work on completely empty File Managers.
  • Fixed: If Status Tracker was configured without the activation step, marker still needed to be activated by an admin.
  • Fixed: When trying to access a page that does not exist in Vault, a nasty error was displayed. Instead a not found message is shown.
  • Fixed: exporting to CSV sometimes caused an error.
  • Fixed: Site Intel required users to be logging in.

Build Number:  24.01-1.83-1.143-1.7

Previous releases

Vault Releases 2023

Vault Releases 2022