How to invite a Claimer/Certifier to your Project

Invite Claimers or Certifiers to your projects to save time and money.


This guide will help you invite third parties onto specific projects. This means that they will only be able to access that project and won't have visibility on your other projects. 

How to use it

Every time you create a new contract, you should follow the below instructions to invite either the Claimer or Certifier. In fact, this is one of the required steps to be done in order to start your contract.

Inviting a Claimer

Open the Project that you wish to invite the Claimer to under the Projects Tab. 

Select the Contract that you wish to invite the User to and click the View button.

You will now be in the Draft Contract page. You are also taken directly to this page when you create a new contract. 

The section after Contract is Almost Ready is where you will invite the Claimer/Certifier. If you hit Invite, you will be prompted to enter their Company Name and Company Email. You can then click Save and an invitation email will automatically sent to them.

Inviting a Claimer/Certifier for your contract is a required step to start your contract. The invitation section will be blue (Invite Certifier) or green (Invite Claimer) as shown below. This will depend if you've created a Main Contract or Sub Contract for your Project. 

Alternatively, if you are using this Contract to self claim/certify, you will be prompted to enter Payee/Payer details including their contacts and company address. Click here to read more about using the self cert/claim function.

The invitation you have sent out will be pending acceptance. For each contract, only one Claimer/Certifier is allowed. If you have entered the incorrect email, simply hit the Cancel Invite button and repeat the previous step. 

After their invitation via email, they will then be directed to the PayLab page to login or may need to create an account if it is their first time. Once they are in PayLab and have accepted the Project invite, their details will be displayed on the Contract page. 

If you have also been invited to certify claims for another client, read this article to learn how to link project to your account and certify them. Read here